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UK Resumes Funding Palestinian Aid Agency

The UK will recommence funding the United Nations’ relief agency for Palestinian refugees, Foreign Secretary David Lammy has confirmed.
Mr. Lammy said UNRWA was essential to aid efforts, continuing: “It is already feeding over half of Gaza’s population. It will be vital for future reconstruction, and it provides critical services to Palestinian refugees in the region.”
“UNRWA has acted. Partners such as Japan, the European Union and Norway have also acted, and this Government will act too. I can confirm to the House that we are overturning the suspension of UNRWA funding,” he told MPs.
The TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA), a group which advocates for lower taxes, also expressed concern at the use of British funds.
“For decades this body has attracted enormous controversy over its role in perpetuating the conflict, with little in the way of justification for its costly existence given the presence of the UNHCR which is responsible for all other refugees.”
UNRWA has about 13,000 staff in the Gaza Strip, almost all Palestinians, ranging from aid workers, medical staff, and teachers in schools run by the agency.
“We are absolutely committed to the two-state solution,” he said, adding that the plan “must, of course, guarantee the security of Israel, but the Palestinian cause is a just cause, and we must work with Arab partners and build up the Palestinian Authority. I spoke to them at length about what more we can do to assist them with the reforms that they need to make so that we can realise that.”
“[It] is absolutely right to put on record our deep concern for the hostages, their families and their plight. If they were released, we could end this now,” he said.
